My name is Nurit Pollak. I was born in Lima, Peru and moved to Israel when I was 17 years old. I arrived to the amazing world of Complementary Medicine in 2005, after beating cancer twice and surviving a bone marrow transplant...I was alive, but I was not "living". Doctors couldn't help me improve my overall feeling, I was very weak and in pain, couldn't walk and was doing many treatments and taking many medicines that only gave me more side effects...so I decided it was time to take my health in my own hands. With the help of wonderful people I met around my journey, I learnt how to feed my body, soul and mind!
My Journey
Around my 20th birthday I was diagnosed with Leukemia (Blood cancer). I went through chemotherapy for a year, and against all odds, I went into remission. A year later, the cancer was back. I had a bone marrow transplant (donated by a wonderful Israeli woman living in England – Mira – who today is like a second mom to me) and 4 months later I was in Disney World with my best friend.
My body was so strong even the doctors couldn’t believe it!
I could only meet my bone marrow donor after 2 years because of some hospital rules, so during those 2 years Mira and I – then only “my dear donor” – wrote each other letters that were sent via the hospitals In Israel and England, we couldn’t tell anything about us that gave a clue who we were, not even our first names!
I was ready to continue with my promising life and moved to Italy to study my childhood dream, becoming a fashion designer.
While living in Italy, Mira’s brother looked for me and a TV host (Meni Peer) called me and invited me to come to Israel to meet her during his live TV show! I couldn’t stop shaking. How many times can you thank someone for saving your life? After the show, thousands of people called to donate a blood sample to enter the bone marrow data base.
Everything was wonderful! I was living in Italy and loving it. I was still taking medications and injections while there, but I led a normal and fun life. I promised my doctors I would come to Israel every 3 to 4 months to do routine check-ups and receive reinforcement cells from Mira so for 2 years I was coming back often. But it seems I had something else to learn about life, and one of those times I got a horrible reaction that sent me back to the hospital for months. I was so weak and in so much pain everywhere, inside and out...my stomach was hurting so much that some days I couldn't stand up from bed, I had horrible and painful purple spots all over my face and body as if I had been in a fire. I started losing mobility in my joints and there was I point I couldn’t even walk without a walking stick and sometimes had to use a wheelchair because I was falling all the time. I went through several surgeries and was very depressed.
And one day, a friend told me that to feel better I had to change my eating habits. Just the thought of it made me sicker. I was a junk food lover, drank 7 coffees a day and couldn’t pass a day without eating chocolates or ice-cream. But I was so desperate that I agreed to go and see a naturopath…and then my journey started…the search for my health. If the doctors couldn’t cure me, I was going to cure myself. I went to several healers and therapists in Israel and all over the world. There were different techniques that could help me. Some did, some didn’t. But all of it together, for sure helped me. Not only the healing therapies but the experiences. Meditating in a hill of crystals in Brazil, the iridologist in Canada that looked into my eye and knew exactly what was going on, fasting for a month in a clinic in Germany, detoxing in Spain, Herbal therapist in Switzerland, Spiritual Chamans in Peru, and my dearest therapist here in Israel…Each of these, and all together, made me understand I wanted to be one of them. I wanted to keep helping myself and help others.
And 3 years later, in 2011, I graduated from Natural Nutrition studies. In 2019 I graduated from Full Body Systems - Functional Medicine Nutrition studies. And I keep learning everyday! We are all different and unique, and each of us have our own story which is so much more important than the "diagnosis". And food is not enough to heal, we need to take in consideration sleep, stress, water intake, bowel movements, lifestyle, feelings, thoughts...I believe our body, mind and soul are all one, and one can’t work properly if the other doesn’t
Today I am able to walk, tie my hair and bath alone, things I couldn’t do before. I got my period after years of early-menopause. (The gynecologist told me I had no chance of getting my period back) and more than that, on april 2015 I gave birth to an an amazing and healthy daughter, which my doctors said it is more than a miracle and medically there was no chance that this was possible. I truly believe that feeding my soul, body and mind in the right way made this possible.
If you find your way to overall health, you will have everything you need. Usually we hear “He/She has everything, why isn’t he/she happy?” The problem in our society is that “everything” today is being beautiful, being rich, having a nice house or a nice car. Those things are nice to have, but they won’t bring us happiness. It is found inside us, and only we can give it to ourselves.
Nutrition is one part of the whole being. It is the first step to clear our bodies, minds and souls. I can give you the tools to start the change.
Will be happy to hear from you! Read what some of my patients are saying in the Testimonials page.
You can contact me via the Contact Form or send me an email to nurit@nuritpollak.com